Czechoslovak Area Genealogy Club (CAGC) Virtual Online Meeting: Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 1:45 pm Topic: Genealogy Research Information/Sharing RootsTech information
Our Mar 6 2022, Sunday @ 1:45pm, we are going to use Zoom and the Zoom link will be sent the Thurs before the meeting.
Our March Virtual meeting will be a CAGC working and sharing meeting, since ROOTSTECH is March 3-5th, we know we’ll have lots to share!
No matter where you are in your research journey, whether just beginning, or almost complete, or like most of us, somewhere in the middle, we can all learn from this time of sharing and learning from the experience of others.
Some of our members have professionally published or home-made books or have their research in an electronic format that may give you ideas for your research.
Looking ahead to our 2022 Monthly meeting dates virtual format continues:
April 3rd, May 1st, June 5th, July 10th (due to 4th of July), August 7th, Sept 11th (due to Labor Day), October 2nd; November 6th & December 4th: Annual CAGC Christmas Luncheon (In-person celebration)