xPast Meeting CAGC Aug 2021-Face-to-face/Zoom Hybrid


Czechoslovak Area Genealogy Club (CAGC)

Sunday, August 1, 2021– 1:15 p.m. Jagerhaus Restaurant

The Board will meet at 1:00 pm

“Brick Walls and Getting Through Them”


Our August Face-to-face meeting for those who have been looking forward to being able to meet in-person and enjoy Jagerhaus food, where you are all invited to speak. We want to hear about your genealogy activities during Covid and what you were able to accomplish during your downtime. With virtual content constantly being added to the internet, what resources did you use? We will try to conduct a Zoom meeting from the restaurant to include our virtual attendees at 1:45pm.

Those who have been researching, please bring suggestions and helpful hints to share with others that you’ve found useful in your research.

If you have something short you’d like translated, please bring an original or readable copy of the original document. The same is also needed to properly identify ancestral villages and towns.

No matter where you are in your research journey, whether just beginning, or almost complete, or like most of us, somewhere in the middle, we can all learn from this time of sharing and learning from the experience of others.

Some of our members have professionally published or have home-made books or have their research in an electronic format. We are asking them to bring those to our meeting so we can get an idea of the possibilities of what can and should be done with our research.

Feel free to bring your laptops or other research materials so you will have your information available.

Please RSVP by Thursday, July 29th to allow restaurant headcount, can email Mary Shade meshade@gmail.com